Mayor Winstead Supports Ranked Choice Voting Local Options Bill

Bloomington Mayor Gene Winstead provided written testimony to the State Legislature in support of the Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Local Options Bill, sponsored by Bloomington State Rep. Steve Elkins.

The Local Options bill would give any city or school district in MN the right to adopt RCV if they so choose. Currently, only 15% of cities have their own charter (like Bloomington) and therefore, the ability to set their own rules for local elections (e.g., can adopt RCV) without approval from the State Legislature.

In his testimony, Winstead said, “As a long-time civic leader, I believe now more than ever, we should be pursing any improvements to our local elections that foster more engagement, civility and winners that represent the broad majority of voters. I believe Ranked Choice Voting is that system and communities should have the option to adopt this system if they wish.”

Read more about the Local Options Bill

Read Mayor Winstead’s full testimony:

RCV Testimony_Mayor Winstead.jpg
Laura Calbone